After the long COVID lock down, we are delighted to announce that we are once more meeting back in our hall for our Sunday morning breaking of bread service. Currently, we are using a hybrid method of live meeting at the hall, with some people still joining us and participating on Zoom.
We are well aware that the pandemic is not over and that we have a responsibility to ensure that all of our members and visitors are safe. When you visit the hall for a service, you are encouraged to take a lateral flow test before you come. We keep all the windows open, so that the hall is well-ventilated (we’ll see how that works in the winter!). When singing, we wear masks, though at other times, when seated, these can come off.
We are really keen to continue to be as inclusive a church as possible. Some people will feel insecure in the hall. As far as possible we would like our whole community, whether in the hall or meeting with us from home, to feel as though they are at the centre of our activities.
We welcome all people to our services. If you are interested in coming, please drop us a line and let us know.